Czas ludzi łudzi.
Taka tam ma ręka :D
2012-11-26 15:43:14
Siema ^^.
Co tam? u mnie spoko w szkole można powiedzić ze jest ok ._. Dostałam dzisiaj 5 z Historii i 4 z Angielskiego i 2 z matmy ;/ Ale e tam. Dziś nie no masakra tak mi odbijało na Angielskim hahahah xd Julka pamiętasz? ' A ja mam cztery, cztery! ahhaahahhahaha ' A ty; ' A ile punktów miałaś ' ? '' cztery! a ty? ' ' też ' ' a co masz? ' ' 3 ' a ja ' 4 i mam czwórkę ' ' jaaaaaaaaa. ._.! ' a ja zaraz. ' Proszę Panią... ' hahahhahahahahah :D nie no jaja na maxa były. Aha?! i na zdjęciu moja ręka. Jakby co to tam są takie jakby guziki od Mp3 :DDD HAHAHAHA XD dobra to chyba tyle idę jeść a potem do nauki ._- ;/ ;**
Cya. ;D
144 miesiące temu
Hahahahha na Angielskim to myślałam że Cie zabije :d Fajnee ;);**
julia: Hahahahha na Angielskim to myślałam że Cie zabije :d Fajnee ;);**
144 miesiące temu
Hahahahha na Angielskim to myślałam że Cie zabije :d Fajnee ;);**
hhahaahahaahahha, ja cie też :D
madox: julia: Hahahahha na Angielskim to myślałam że Cie zabije :d Fajnee ;);** hhahaahahaahahha, ja cie też :D
144 miesiące temu
Spooko ! ;d Doobre ocenki .xd
prayforlove: Spooko ! ;d Doobre ocenki .xd
Gość: oRMlF9SuVq
137 miesięcy temu
I think that James' criticism is that the wrteir draws from a web of diverse experiences and ideas, which then lends a credibility to the novel. And, remember, he was fighting for the idea that novels were high art at all. I find his criticism to be easily applicable to a decent work of sci-fi or some other genre piece. Take Bradbury, for example. He drew on experiences from childhood, from the social issues of his day, from viewing media, et cetera. This could easily be like James' web of experience, and it really makes Bradbury's work feel alive and credible (even when reading about robotic Houses of Usher and martians).There's the accidental side of James' critical theory, but the substance doesn't have to exclude any genre. =)
Gość: I think that James' criticism is that the wrteir draws from a web of diverse experiences and ideas, which then lends a credibility to the novel. And, remember, he was fighting for the idea that novels were high art at all. I find his criticism to be easily applicable to a decent work of sci-fi or some other genre piece. Take Bradbury, for example. He drew on experiences from childhood, from the social issues of his day, from viewing media, et cetera. This could easily be like James' web of experience, and it really makes Bradbury's work feel alive and credible (even when reading about robotic Houses of Usher and martians).There's the accidental side of James' critical theory, but the substance doesn't have to exclude any genre. =)
Gość: TbX5uNu1j
137 miesięcy temu
So cool. I knew that Hemingway and other writers like Stein & Fitzgerald were aboard at that time. I didn't know that there was a book about it! I'm going to go add this to my wish list. I adore Hemingway. Compared to Faulkner, I think he's very succinct. And I like that about his writing. If you read a novel of his, you might check out A Farewell to Arms (I think someone may have already mentioned it earlier). I had to read it for a class, but it turned out to be one of my favorites.
Gość: So cool. I knew that Hemingway and other writers like Stein & Fitzgerald were aboard at that time. I didn't know that there was a book about it! I'm going to go add this to my wish list. I adore Hemingway. Compared to Faulkner, I think he's very succinct. And I like that about his writing. If you read a novel of his, you might check out A Farewell to Arms (I think someone may have already mentioned it earlier). I had to read it for a class, but it turned out to be one of my favorites.
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zdjęcie ma klimat ;)
bardzo ładne ;-*
hesperyd: zdjęcie ma klimat ;) bardzo ładne ;-*