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  •   :: ZAWIESZAM!
Zawieszam i raczej już nigdy tu nie wrócę, cześć.

    118 miesięcy temu

  •   :: Witam
&nbsp;&nbsp<br />;
&nbsp; Zdjęcie jest raczej dwa. Bez dziubka by się nie obeszło ;-;

    118 miesięcy temu

  • #zamuła  :: siema ;d &nbsp;

&nbsp;Co słychac? U mnie nic ciekawego ;d Wczoraj zdjęcia z Ola, także bd m

    118 miesięcy temu

  • Mówimy chyba chce,lecz wybacz  trochę się boje  :: ELO XDD

&nbsp;Kurna, już mi sie tak nie chce że jpdl ;d Piszę z Remigiuszem o wszystkim ;d

    119 miesięcy temu

  • Czas nieubłaganie mija, znasz mnie kilka lat już Tłumaczymy sobie, że dziś wszyscy żyją tak tu.  :: CZEE

Co słychać? U mnie nic się nie zmieniło, nie jestem zadowolona z ocen na p&oacute;łroczę,a

    119 miesięcy temu

  • Przyszedł dzień,gdy ujrzałam drogę, ciągle podążam tam, gdzie haj mi daje głooos. Skręt się tli u  nieba braam. Uuu pięknie jest.  :: ELO XDD

&nbsp; Haha, normalnie nie poznaje siebie. Siedze całymi dniami w domu zamulam. Juz nie

    119 miesięcy temu


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Zielono mi :*

Album: Wakacje :3  

Zielono mi :*

Wyślij na komórkę

Siema :D

Co tam u was? u mnie spoko. Jak narazie to siedze sama, i sie nudzę. Siostra na studniówkę pojechała :D

Jak narazie gadam z Anitą na skeypie :D ;*

Ja chce już ferię :D a w poniedziałek dyskoteka :D fajnie nawet, cieszę sie. 

dobra zdjęcie jest stare. nie chce mi sie pisać :D ;*

Link do wpisu:


142 miesiące temu

zaczne "D

szyszakk: zaczne "D


142 miesiące temu

142 miesiące temu

Fajneee :D+
wbijaj :D

keepsmiling: Fajneee :D+ wbijaj :D


142 miesiące temu

Ślicznie. ;*

indestructible: Ślicznie. ;*


142 miesiące temu


neverforget: :)


142 miesiące temu

śliczna ;) ;**

sandzia: śliczna ;) ;**


142 miesiące temu

Maadzia , Ty ślicznotko :D

prayforlove: Maadzia , Ty ślicznotko :D


142 miesiące temu

zieleń *-*
ślicznie ;*

borntodiie: zieleń *-* ślicznie ;*


142 miesiące temu

oj piękna < 33

closemydreams: oj piękna < 33


142 miesiące temu


irresistible: śliczna;o


142 miesiące temu

jakie słodkie *.*

natallka: jakie słodkie *.*


142 miesiące temu

Śliczna ;D

justyna-wojcik: Śliczna ;D


142 miesiące temu


julia: *-*


142 miesiące temu

fajne ;**

impossiiblee: fajne ;**


142 miesiące temu

zachwycasz ;**

gabrielaa: zachwycasz ;**


141 miesięcy temu

zachwycasz ;**

ta, hahahahahah.
czym niby? :D ;* dobry żart, polać jej ;D

madox: gabrielaa: zachwycasz ;** ta, hahahahahah. czym niby? :D ;* dobry żart, polać jej ;D


141 miesięcy temu

zachwycasz ;**

ta, hahahahahah.
czym niby? :D ;* dobry żart, polać jej ;D

madziuuu no urodą oczywiście ! ♥ ;p

gabrielaa: madox: gabrielaa: zachwycasz ;** ta, hahahahahah. czym niby? :D ;* dobry żart, polać jej ;D madziuuu no urodą oczywiście ! ♥ ;p


141 miesięcy temu

zachwycasz ;**

ta, hahahahahah.
czym niby? :D ;* dobry żart, polać jej ;D

madziuuu no urodą oczywiście ! ♥ ;p

hahahaha, chyba TY :D ;*

madox: gabrielaa: madox: gabrielaa: zachwycasz ;** ta, hahahahahah. czym niby? :D ;* dobry żart, polać jej ;D madziuuu no urodą oczywiście ! ♥ ;p hahahaha, chyba TY :D ;*


141 miesięcy temu

zachwycasz ;**
o nie ty! hahahahaha ♥♥♥ ;*
ta, hahahahahah.
czym niby? :D ;* dobry żart, polać jej ;D

madziuuu no urodą oczywiście ! ♥ ;p

hahahaha, chyba TY :D ;*

gabrielaa: madox: gabrielaa: madox: gabrielaa: zachwycasz ;** o nie ty! hahahahaha ♥♥♥ ;* ta, hahahahahah. czym niby? :D ;* dobry żart, polać jej ;D madziuuu no urodą oczywiście ! ♥ ;p hahahaha, chyba TY :D ;*


Gość: ZGM5Jdrw
137 miesięcy temu

Yes, this is a wonderful first hoityhesps! I would love a followup blog article reflecting on quality and taste and preference and how certain stories resonate for one reader and not for another. I remember the grief I felt at the end of Engine Summer by John Crowley, and how I shared that book with a good friend who saw the whole thing as a sloppy, drug-addled mess. What flaws will I forgive in one work of fiction because it offers me something I need, while detesting them in another? And when IS my reading a guilty pleasure because a book is disappointing me or untuning my ear or it feels like eating junk food but I keep reading anyway? Why do I do that? Usually there is some quality that I still find compelling or delightful or at least addictive. Reading some of Le Guin's books themselves have involved suspending certain perceptions of manipulated-ness (Tehanu sometimes felt self-consciously re-inventive) in order to allow what was working to happen (Tehanu, again, devastated me by the time it was done) And having re-read A Wizard of Earthsea again recently, frankly I'd probably feel self-consciously re-inventive about women's representation in that world too especially writing a followup book 20 years later. And then other works by Le Guin just seem perfect to me, spare and elegiac and true (a couple of the stories in Birthday of the World come to mind). And I imagine she had to let each book be what it is, with whatever flaws it might possess, and move on. What I love about her is that I completely trust her to have tried, with great capacity, to speak truly. Whatever manipulation or seams or rough edges might still be perceptible are related to that endeavor. And speaking truly is fundamental to quality. Perhaps that is what I miss in some of the other fiction that I read, that it feels false or hollow or just lacking in nutrition for the soul. Or maybe it just reveals unconsciously aspects of the creator's spirit that trouble me (Philip Pullman comes to mind, brilliant but for me a little icky around the edges). The spirit and humanity that comes through Le Guin's writing has helped to guide me through my life, reconcile me to my own experiences of profound pain and trauma, and to remind me of what matters. Though we've never met, I love her for that, and will always be deeply grateful. Each new book from her has come into my life as a welcome gift; and one of the ways I realized I was middle-aged was when it occurred to me that these gifts wouldn't continue to arrive forever. Ever since then, I've wanted to write and say thank you. I guess this is the moment so thank you, Ursula, for having the courage and dedication to share your gifts and vision with me and so many others. Please keep speaking your truth; I'll do my best to do the same.

Gość: Yes, this is a wonderful first hoityhesps! I would love a followup blog article reflecting on quality and taste and preference and how certain stories resonate for one reader and not for another. I remember the grief I felt at the end of Engine Summer by John Crowley, and how I shared that book with a good friend who saw the whole thing as a sloppy, drug-addled mess. What flaws will I forgive in one work of fiction because it offers me something I need, while detesting them in another? And when IS my reading a guilty pleasure because a book is disappointing me or untuning my ear or it feels like eating junk food but I keep reading anyway? Why do I do that? Usually there is some quality that I still find compelling or delightful or at least addictive. Reading some of Le Guin's books themselves have involved suspending certain perceptions of manipulated-ness (Tehanu sometimes felt self-consciously re-inventive) in order to allow what was working to happen (Tehanu, again, devastated me by the time it was done) And having re-read A Wizard of Earthsea again recently, frankly I'd probably feel self-consciously re-inventive about women's representation in that world too especially writing a followup book 20 years later. And then other works by Le Guin just seem perfect to me, spare and elegiac and true (a couple of the stories in Birthday of the World come to mind). And I imagine she had to let each book be what it is, with whatever flaws it might possess, and move on. What I love about her is that I completely trust her to have tried, with great capacity, to speak truly. Whatever manipulation or seams or rough edges might still be perceptible are related to that endeavor. And speaking truly is fundamental to quality. Perhaps that is what I miss in some of the other fiction that I read, that it feels false or hollow or just lacking in nutrition for the soul. Or maybe it just reveals unconsciously aspects of the creator's spirit that trouble me (Philip Pullman comes to mind, brilliant but for me a little icky around the edges). The spirit and humanity that comes through Le Guin's writing has helped to guide me through my life, reconcile me to my own experiences of profound pain and trauma, and to remind me of what matters. Though we've never met, I love her for that, and will always be deeply grateful. Each new book from her has come into my life as a welcome gift; and one of the ways I realized I was middle-aged was when it occurred to me that these gifts wouldn't continue to arrive forever. Ever since then, I've wanted to write and say thank you. I guess this is the moment so thank you, Ursula, for having the courage and dedication to share your gifts and vision with me and so many others. Please keep speaking your truth; I'll do my best to do the same.

Gość: 3E2XmEr4X
137 miesięcy temu

FDChief,Karzai is happy to be mayor because he and his are mainkg money at a prodigous rate.While our soldiers are dying for bullshit ideas of democracy.We need a good, bloodthirsty Pashtun on the qadi there, to run things as they have always been run in the Hindu Kush: by patronage, coercion, force and fear and intrigue.We need a good, bloodthirsty Pashtun on the qadi there, to run things as they have always been run in the Hindu Kush: by patronage, coercion, force and fear and intrigue.To this your statement i hardily disagee- we the US don't need jack shit in or from AFGH. -all we need is to hat up. We have no legitimate reason to stay nor is the cost returning anything to us.jim

Gość: FDChief,Karzai is happy to be mayor because he and his are mainkg money at a prodigous rate.While our soldiers are dying for bullshit ideas of democracy.We need a good, bloodthirsty Pashtun on the qadi there, to run things as they have always been run in the Hindu Kush: by patronage, coercion, force and fear and intrigue.We need a good, bloodthirsty Pashtun on the qadi there, to run things as they have always been run in the Hindu Kush: by patronage, coercion, force and fear and intrigue.To this your statement i hardily disagee- we the US don't need jack shit in or from AFGH. -all we need is to hat up. We have no legitimate reason to stay nor is the cost returning anything to us.jim

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Co tam u was? u mnie spoko. Jak narazie to siedze sama, i sie nudzę. Siostra na studni&

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